How To Gather Information For A Problem-And-Solution Essay

A problem-and-solution essay assignment is given to develop your skills in presenting a problem followed by a detailed plan on how it can be solved. Additionally, a problem-and-solution essay should convince the reader that there is a problem worth solving and that your solution is the best possible course for doing so. One of the most important aspects in preparing to write this kind of assignment is gathering the appropriate information. Here are some things you should know about doing so:

  • Check the Web for Background Information
  • The first step in getting content for this kind of assignment is conducting some light research on the web for background information. This is a great way for you to develop a general understand of the issue, its terms, and the major arguments or points of controversy. Pay special attention to any materials cited as these can be good place to start when you do more a more in-depth search.

  • Visit Your School Library for Academic Journals
  • The next step in getting good content for your paper is to visit your school library to browse through the dozens of academic journals they have on your topic. If you aren’t sure of where to start then ask a reference librarian to point you towards the right sections. Look through a couple of books that might have content on your subject as well; just be sure the content is no more than three years old.

  • Find Precise Subject-Related Info from the Web
  • Now that you have significant content for your problem-and-solution essay you may want to try this suggestion to gather more precise info you can use to compose a great paper. Subject-related sites will only contain content on the major topics within your area of focus. However, some of this content may be biased or might misuse the data or facts, so be careful when selecting content to use and cite. You might just want to consider using these sites to direct you to other resources.

  • Browse at Government or Educational Sites
  • Another great place to get content is to check both government and educational sites. These are excellent resources for current and validated information from reputable sites. Be sure you take down all of the citation info correctly, since these kinds of websites can sometimes change content every few weeks. Check with a citations guide or writing manual to learn how to appropriately list these resources if used in your paper.

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