Modern World

The modern world is a very interesting one. Advancement in technology has caused tremendous changes in the world that would have been very hard to achieve. The world is today called a global village because it has become really easy to know what is happening in virtually all corners of the world. It is easy to send and receive information from anywhere within a very short time. Technology has made everything easy and life enjoyable and easy. You can now do business with people from any corner of the world without ever meeting. It has opened many opportunities for people. There is what is today called mobile banking and electronic money transfer. The entertainment world has also had major advancements. The world of business is the place that enjoys the great advantages provided by the advancement in technology and exploits it to the fullest.

Advertisements and Consumers

The advancement in technology has lead to growth of a very competitive market. Companies need to advertise their products well so as to win and retain customers. The market is a pool of sharks and the company with good marketing strategies gets a better share of the cake. They also have to make their adverts be customer oriented so as to make sure that they capture the customer’s attention in a better way than their competitors. Marketing can also be done through many ways and it for the companies to make an informed choice of the means that will reach their clientele in a better way and give them maximum returns. The customers also get to learn about the products and its qualities. This enables the customers to make informed decisions. The modern world is no longer a world of trial and error. You have all the information you need and thus got to do things right.

Cyber crimes

The advancement in technology has also a great risk associated with it. This is the cyber crime. It involves misuse of the internet hijack the online transactions while they are suspended in the air. It is the major risk that faces online transactions today. China is the only country that has tried to curb this problem by introducing internet censorship so as to try to protect its citizens from losing money through the cyber crimes. The problem has been a major hindrance to the online transactions with many businesses fearing due to the huge risks involved. It is also feared that some companies are not legitimate businesses and are there to corn people their money.

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